Up, down, left or right?

4 - 6 years
Ideas to help your child practise their numeracy skills - with you, and online
Family playing board game

Developed in partnership with Education Services Australia

The Australian Curriculum sets the goal for what all students should learn as they progress through their school life. Skills in the Foundation Year curriculum include:

  • recognising the everyday language of position and direction
  • understanding and following the everyday language of position and direction
  • giving simple directions.

It’s easy to help your child practise these skills as part of everyday life – just use these simple ideas.

Get directing!

It takes time and practice to master concepts such as left/right, in front of/behind, up/down, above/below. You can help your child by talking about direction and position in your everyday activities, and playing games which involve movement. For example:

  • when looking at picture books together, talk about the position of things
    The dog is standing behind the girl.
    Look at the bird flying above the tree!
  • when you’re travelling together, talk about directions and location
    Let’s turn left here.
    The supermarket is behind the petrol station.
    Which way do we go to get to the playground?
  • play board games and talk about position and direction as you move 
    Let's see, I have to go two squares to the right. Oh no, that means I have to go down the ladder! Now I'm behind you!
  • set up an obstacle course with soft things (eg cushions, pillows, soft toys), blindfold your child, then direct them around the course. Swap roles so your child can practise giving directions too.
    Take two steps backwards. Now turn left and walk forwards until you feel big teddy in front of you. Congratulations, you made it!

Go online

For online reinforcement, Hungry Pirates will give your child practice at:

  • following simple directions.



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Last modified
16 April 2020