Fantastic fractions

6 - 8 years
Ideas to help your child practise their numeracy skills - with you, and online
Hands taking a slice of pizza

Developed in partnership with Education Services Australia

The Australian Curriculum sets the goal for what all students should learn as they progress through their school life. Skills in the Year 1-2 curriculum include:

  • solving problems using halves and quarters and, later, eighths
  • recognising and describing halves and quarters and eighths as two, four and eight equal parts of a whole
  • using objects, pictures and written fractions to represent halves and quarters and eighths
  • recognising and interpreting common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections.

It’s easy to help your child practise these skills as part of everyday life – just use these simple ideas.

Cut and share

Food time is often a great chance to build in some practice with fractions, as most children are motivated to make sure that treats are shared evenly! Ask your child to do the sharing/cutting, or to supervise you and make sure you get it right. Then practise:

  • cutting up a whole thing into halves/quarters/eighths (eg a pizza or cake). How many pieces should there be?
  • sharing many whole pieces between 2, 4 or 8 people (eg nuts or lollies). How many should each person get?
  • cutting and sharing multiple things between 2, 4 or 8 people (eg two quiches between four people). How should you cut the pieces? How many pieces should each person get?
  • putting fractions back together with the Whole Circle game:
    Start with four paper circles.
    Cut two circles into halves and two circles into quarters (creating twelve pieces in total).
    Now take turns to flip a coin – heads means the player gets a half-circle piece, tails means they get a quarter-circle.
    The first player to create two whole circles with their pieces wins.

Go online

For online reinforcement, Alien fractions will give your child practice at:

  • understanding fractions (halves, quarters and eighths).



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Last modified
7 April 2020